Aug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by Laurence Baudot

Fascinating topic and I look forward to reading so much more about it! Recognizing patterns of behavior across generations is such a great add on to all the other ways we give meaning and relevance to genealogy. Oh and thanks for the reading recommendations too!

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Thank you Lori!

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Aug 25Liked by Laurence Baudot

Not so long ago people - the blank slaters - scoffed at the idea of this, especially the four generation part. But of course we as children are responding to our families views of the the world, and those views were formed but their interactions with their family and so on back.

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Thanks for sharing this. A fascinating topic - it gives a name to something often touched on when organizing and preserving family collections. I look forward to reading more about this.

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Thank You Kathy!

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I really like this piece as it gets at the heart of all my posts--how we carry stories. We carry the untold (and, perhaps, unknown) tales of ancestors we've never met. And, until the story is able to be told, or we allow it the space to unfold in our lives (hopefully, by bringing it into language), I believe the story will travel to the next generation. Thank you for your post!

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